Opulent Copper
Copper (Cu)....... 12%
Directions are the same for all growth stages and should be applied every 2-3 weeks or as needed.
Plants: Mix 0.32 fl. oz. (2 teaspoons) of Opulent Copper in one gallon of water. Spray a very fine mist on plant foliage.
Lawns: Mix 0.20 fl. oz. (1 teaspoon) of Opulent Copper in one gallon of water. Spray very fine mist (Covers 1,000 sq. ft.).
Opulent Copper is 12% liquid copper fertilizer. Developed to move internally throughout the plant, allowing for quick uptake and correction of deficiencies. Complexed with amino acids, it is EDTA free and free of harsh impurities.
- Quickly corrects copper deficiencies in plants and trees
- Copper is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll, aids in carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism, and formation of lignin
- Intensifies color, increases sugar, and improves flavor in fruits and vegetables
- Boosts plant defense against disease and bacteria
- Help plant defend itself from ice nucleating bacteria for up to 7 days when applying Opulent Copper 1 to 2 days prior to a light frost.
- Opulent Copper is systemic and VERY mobile in plants whereas copper is typically not mobile within plants.
- Commerical grade now available to the consumer in a 16 oz bottle.